In the past 20 years,
Educational Technology Lab has engaged in several
multi-organizational projects funded by the European
Community, the Greek Ministry of Education and the Greek
Ministry of Development.
In these Projects, the
having either the role of the Coordinator or of the
participating Partner, has put special emphasis in:
designing and developing
digital tools in a variety of subjects to be used both
as on-site research instruments as well as open-ended
material for teachers and students,
designing context-sensitive
scenarios underlining the added value of using the
digital tools in teaching and learning,
carrying out empirical
research in realistic educational contexts to put in use
the digital tools and the scenarios developed,
training pre-service and
in-service teachers in the designing scenarios and
developing digital tools in a secondary level,
infusing and sustaining
innovation in schools.
The ER4STEM Project
Educational Robotics for STEM, H2020-EU.5.a. - SEAC-1-2014 - Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people (Project No: 665972)
A Computational Environment to Stimulate and Enhance Creative Designs for Mathematical
Creativity, FP7, ICT-2013.8.1 Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of creativity
(Project No: 610467)
Learning to learn together: A visual language for social
orchestration of educational activities, EC -
FP7-ICT-2009-5, Technology-enhanced Learning, No. 257872
The ReMath Project – Representing
Mathematics with Digital Media,
Information Society Technologies (IST), Sixth Framework Programme
for Research and Technological Development (FP6),
European Community, Project No.
(more info),
TERECoP Project
Education on Robotics - enhanced Constructivist Pedagogical
Methods, Socrates Programme, Comenius 2.1 Action: Training of
School Education Staff Project 128959-CP-1-2006-1-GR-C21,
The Kaleidoscope Project –
a Network of
Excellence - Concepts and
methods for exploring the future of learning with digital
Society Technologies (IST), Sixth Framework Programme for
Research and Technological Development (FP6),
IST-2002- Technology-enhanced learning and access to
cultural heritage, Project No. 507838 (more
The ESCALATE Project – Enhancing Science Appeal in Learning through Argumentative interaction,
Society Technologies (IST), Sixth Framework Programme
for Research and Technological Development (FP6), Project No.
020790 (more
The SEED Project –
Cultural Change in the School System through the Generation of
Communities engaged in Integrated Educational and Technological
Innovation, Information Society Technologies IST- 2000, Key Action III, Line 3.2:
Education and Training: School of Tomorrow (more info),
The C3 Project
Children in Choros and Chronos, ESPRIT - Long Term Research (LTR), i3 - Experimental
School Environments (E.S.E), Directorate-General III: Industry
of the European Commission, European Commission, Project No.
29346 (more info),
The NetLogo Project
The European Educational Interactive Site, Educational
Multimedia Joint Call,
Telematics Applications, ESPRIT, Targeted Socio-Economic
Research, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, and TEN-Telecom (more
The IMEL Project
Microworld Courseware for Exploratory Learning, Socrates, Open and
Distance Learning (O.D.L),
Directorate-General XXII: Education, Training and Youth,
European Commission, Project No 95-25136-GR (more
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The Digital School Project –
Requirements for the Digital Platform,
Development and Functioning of the Digital Knowledge Database, Digitising educational material, Ministry of Education, Computer Technology Institute and Press
- National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013
(more info),
Teachers in Using ICT
in the School Practice
"Teaching and Lifelong Learning" Programme
National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 –
Co-funded by the European Commission and National Funds
(more info),
A Case Study of ICT and School Improvement,
the OECD/CERI ICT Programme, 2000 - 2001, Pedagogical Institute, EPEAEK, Ministry of Education
Odysseia E56 Project
Development of Generic Software Components,
Demonstration of New Technologies, Ministry of Education, Operational
Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training
(EPEAEK I), 2000-2001
The Odysseia
E52 Project
Using handheld devices in educational activities,
Demonstration of New Technologies, Ministry of Education, Operational
Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training
(EPEAEK I), 1999-2000
The Odysseia Kalipso
Project, Ministry of Education, Operational
Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training
(EPEAEK I), 1996-1999 (more info),
The Odysseia E42 Project
Preparation of Teacher Education Programmes for having New
Practices with New Tools in class, Teachers' Educators
Postgraduate Training Programme in the Pedagogical Use
of Computational and Information Technology in Secondary
Ministry of Education, Operational
Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training
(EPEAEK I), 1999-2000
The DEKA Project
Investigations with tools for learning fractions and ratio - Schools for
Implementing Innovative Educational
Programs, Pedagogical
Institute, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs,
Operational Programme for Education and Initial
Vocational Training (EPEAEK), Community
Support Framework, 1998 (more info).
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The Polymechanon Project – The ETL spin-off
Exploratorium , Ministry of Development,
Secretariat for Research and Technology
(more info),
Ellinourgimata Project
– Development
of interactive applications for inquiry-based learning in the
area of ancient Greek technology, from historical, technological
and mathematical perspectives, Demonstrating ancient
technology using ICT for teaching its importance, Greek Ministry of
Development, 3rd Community Operational Framework
Programme "Competitiveness", 2003-2005 (more
The MEKAST Project
Study of educational processes based on innovations that take
advantage of Information Technology,
Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for
Research and Development, Program of supporting
Researchers (P.En.E.d.), Interdisciplinary Research
approaches in Educational issues, Project No 8463
(more info),
LeGa Project
Innovation in educational practice. Learning through models and
Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for
Research and Development, Development and demonstration
of innovative products and service of e-learning,
Project No: 26,
Action: 3.3.1-Actions of Research and Technological Development
in Information Society
Targeted Research Grants, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development (more info),
The Thranio Project
Reusable software components for the authoring of high quality
educational software for investigational activity,
General Secretariat for Research and Technology, E.P.E.T.
II, Project No 78, 1999-2001
The YDEES Project
Development of Popular Computational Tools for General
Education: The Computer as Medium for Investigation, Expression
and Communication for All in the School, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, E.P.E.T.
II, Project No 726, 1995-1998 (more
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