Film Collection > Plenary Talks
The “computer” tells a story? Márta Turcsányi-Szabó, Otília Pasaréti |
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Drawing and storytelling are essential activities of children in their early and elementary ages. These are best done by natural motoric and oral activities, however there are several ICT tools that were developed for this age group for supplementary activities using computers. All tools have different features that can be emphasized as beneficial for certain developmental activities. The paper goes through discussing the types of storytelling tools TeaM lab developed during the past 25 years (KIDLOGO editor in Terrapin Logo, Storyworld in Comenius Logo, LinoLiner in “Imagine” during the MATCh project, Interactive storytelling in Creative Classroom and TellingYouInPictures editor in Colabs project using Imagine, and several other tools for expressing stories, poems and songs creatively, using interactive multimedia (within Imagine and Scratch), and describes their main features and developmental aims. TeaMstory builder tool (created with Imagine) is the most recent development, which was introduced into three different kindergartens. The aim of the research was to deploy TeaMstory builder within the story creation and re-telling activity of each kindergarten, investigating how children are able to express their imaginations creatively and to what extent they are able to take part in the creation process collaboratively. The paper describes in more length how the features of each tool allows different developmental processes to take place. Story related activities are perfectly suitable for kindergarten children, which reflects their fears and resolves them, creates an intimate sphere where internal ideas can be visualised and provides security due to the emotional binding towards the story teller person, thus a perfect form for internal visualisation takes place through the processing of experiences. TeaMstory builder encourages teamwork, interactions and a creative construction process. |
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Hosted by Educational Technology Lab @ National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |